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Creating a Connected Community

The Trails at Carmel Mountain Ranch is the product of careful planning and preserves over 110 acres of open space, providing significant new publicly accessible amenities, and connects residents to existing shops, libraries, jobs, and each other.

Project Overview

total residential units

110+ acres

permanent open space
(70% of the property)


new deed-restricted,
on-site Affordable units

100% Solar

and EV-ready homes

5+ miles

pedestrian and
bicycle trails

8 acres

new neighborhood parks and open space amenities

17 acres

native habitat restoration


opportunely located within a Transit Priority Area

210621_Trails_Render_Walking Space 3.jpg


Surrounded by Top Jobs, Schools, Parks & a Regional Transit Stop


NUWI LA Office

2001 Wilshire Blvd.
Suite 401

Santa Monica, CA 90403

NUWI OC Office

100 Spectrum Center

Irvine, CA 92618

“It’s part of my job to work with urban developers, and its companies like New Urban West that create an exciting cityscape. They worked hard with my office, the City Council, and other government and community groups to achieve a project which they and the City will be proud of. They’re good business partners.”

— Melanie Fallon, Director, Huntington Beach Community Development

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